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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
coconuts 29
DHO NARIAL brand +coconuts 24
FAMILY-GOLD +coconuts 29
G.K. BHEESHMA +coconuts 31
GINNI GOLD +coconuts & tree 29
INDU +tree & coconuts 29
JAYA coconut oil +coconuts 3, 29
KAMANI +coconuts 29
KAMANI +tree & coconuts 3
KERA GOLD +coconuts 29
coconuts 30
MEDIKER +woman & coconuts 5
coconuts 3
NIKHAR +tree coconuts & dro 3
PAIGAM +tree & coconuts 3
PUSH +coconuts 32
ROJA +coconuts & feather 3
ROJA coconut oil +coconuts 29
SAMPRE COCO FIZZ +coconuts 30
SATYA COCONUT +coconuts 3
SUBICSHA +tree & coconuts 29
UNIQ PURECOCO +coconuts 29
VSA +coconuts & tree 30
camy NUTTY BUTTY +coconuts 30
coco express +coconuts 32
super THONARIAL 2 +coconuts 34
coctail 32
ECO VALLEY coctail mushroom 29
GALLA thick mango coctail 43
MARINE cod 5
SEACOD cod liver oil SANOFI 5
SEANIC cod liver oil 5
CZ natural wear code zero 25
D dress code 25
RAMCO common code help 16
dress code +circles 25
g code 9
MIT'S linctus codeinae co 5
bar codes 16, 38, 40
NKOYO codliver 5
SANSKAR coeducational schoo 16
LABO cof 5
NAM-cof 5
NPR X-cof 5
ARBRO'S cofcold 5
PE EVERCURE cofcure 5
KOLLY cofee tofe 30
COFFY DROP royal coffe 30
MATTEO coffea 42
coffee AHOY 29
coffee BERRIES 25
coffee BLUES 29, 30, 32, 42
coffee BUZZ +circle 43
coffee CUBE +cup & square 43
coffee DELIGHT +oval 30
coffee IN +oval & square 11, 30, 43
coffee MAGIC 30
coffee SIP 30
coffee SOMETHING ! 42
coffee candy KOPIKO 30
coffee day perfect +square 30
coffee day super filter 30
coffee gold 30
coffee liqueur RANGPO 33
coffee nation 21, 30, 42
coffee wallah +man & cup 42
coffee world THE world MEET 30
coffee-rum REAL BULL +bull 33
AA coffee NARESH +cup 30
AJJ REAL coffee +cup & bean 30
ALAMEED coffee +oval 30
AMBIC coffee cream 30
AMUL coffee +boy & girl 30
AROMA coffee 30
AROMA instant coffee pre-mi 30
AVT PREMIUM coffee +cup 30
BAPPLE donuts & coffee 16, 30, 35, 42
BARISTA coffee 9, 11, 16, 21, 25, 30
BARISTA coffee +cup 16
BARISTA coffee movie cafe 16, 30
BAYAR'S coffee 30
BAYAR'S coffee in kannada 30
BC BADRA coffee 30
BEAN BAG tea coffee adda 43
BHANU CLASSIC coffee +cup 30
BOULEVARD the coffee shop 29, 30, 32
BREWSTER'S coffee 30, 42
C zaina coffee +circle 30
CA CARBON ARTS coffee & mat 30
CAFE coffee day 16
CAFE ABC coffee day 30
CAFE COFFEE DAY coffee crea 30
CANOVA coffee 9, 11, 14, 16, 21, 25, 30
CANOVA coffee +cup 16, 19, 20, 30
CANOVA coffee +cup triangle 16, 19, 25
CANOVA coffee +triangle 25
CANOVA coffee home BREWING 16
CANOVA coffee home brewing 16, 20, 30
CBD coffee by di bella 16, 30
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